Thursday, April 3, 2008

Its nearing summer and time for the 2nd Yearly Diet Plan

Alright my friends....its that time again. Its becoming bathing suit season and time to jump back on that weight loss band wagon that we know we ALL fell off of after New Years. (Don't deny it happened, we all know it did!)Alright, so I was watching HSN (Why you may ask, Boredom my friends, PURE BOREDOM) and on comes Michael Thurmond and his 6 week body makeover. Well it SEEMS interesting enough.....I mean heck yeah, I can actually EAT more and lose weight, I'm all for that!! OK, well obviously theres more to it than that.....but hey, still I can EAT MORE!So needless to say, I have ordered it and I'm PRAYING it does what I want it too....and the more difficult task....STAYING ON IT.......I'll let you know how it goes
Edit: I've decided to start another blog dedicated directly to please go look at it

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