Thursday, April 3, 2008

My New Correctional Officer

I'm SO Proud of my future Hubby (I just LOVE that sound!!) He has gotten a WONDERFUL job at the State prison here in our town. He's really, REALLY excited. The only sucky thing....he has to go to "boot camp" for 6 weeks. Oh well, at least he gets to come home on weekends, but our little boy (Kole, the baby) is going to be One UPSET little boy. He's all about his daddy!He's at that stage where, I'm just here when daddy gets on to him, or he needs me when he's hurt himself......I know he loves me, but it kinda makes me feel a little unwanted........Especially since we were so close when he was a little baby. I hope that changes as he gets older.....

Its nearing summer and time for the 2nd Yearly Diet Plan

Alright my friends....its that time again. Its becoming bathing suit season and time to jump back on that weight loss band wagon that we know we ALL fell off of after New Years. (Don't deny it happened, we all know it did!)Alright, so I was watching HSN (Why you may ask, Boredom my friends, PURE BOREDOM) and on comes Michael Thurmond and his 6 week body makeover. Well it SEEMS interesting enough.....I mean heck yeah, I can actually EAT more and lose weight, I'm all for that!! OK, well obviously theres more to it than that.....but hey, still I can EAT MORE!So needless to say, I have ordered it and I'm PRAYING it does what I want it too....and the more difficult task....STAYING ON IT.......I'll let you know how it goes
Edit: I've decided to start another blog dedicated directly to please go look at it

Kids gone wild??

What the hell as happened in this world?? It's CRAZY when 3rd graders (yes, were talking about 8 and 9 year olds) create a very intricate plan to KILL their teacher, all because the ring leader was chastised for standing in a chair. They went so far as to even bring the steak knife, hand cuffs, duck tape, ribbon, and a paper weight. They also doled out jobs of papering the windows and cleaning up the blood. I mean damn, this sounds like premeditated murder to me, how about you? What is wrong when a school system blames the teacher for what goes on in the class room, and not the child? This is out of control and its time that the parents who truly CARE what goes on in the schools and what their children are learning TAKE OVER. This has spiraled too far out of control, and its time that we, the parents, took over to help our teachers because obviously the school board and BOE, even the administration, aren't doing anything to protect our children and our teachers.

OK, lets get this blog started!

I hail from a small, and I mean VERY SMALL, town called Waycross, GA. (AND NO, it does not stand for way across anything......Its cause we have 1000000 trains running through here - Thank You CSX!) I'm 23 years old and have lived in this little town since 1992. I have two B-E-A-Utiful children (I'm a little partial, I know!). I'm Engaged to a wonderful man - He's my soul mate, has been since I can remember.....just wish he had come along sooner (I'm sure we all wish our significant other had done that, huh?)I work full time, school full time, and mommy full time - WHOA that really IS alot!!Its hard being a single mom of two very Active little boys, but I manage with the help of my family and a few friends.The oldest one, Noah, is 5 and starts kindergarten next year....My baby, Kole, he's 2 1/2 and my Gosh is he a Pistol.....When my parents told me I'd have children 10 times worse then I was, well I didn't believe them when I had Noah, he was my "Ideal Child", then little Kole came along in 2005, AND OMG, now I believe it! But I love him to death and he keeps me on my toes!