Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Good Morning!!!

Ah......It's a beautiful Tuesday morning here in Waycross! *sighs* Things have been slaking for lately. It's been hard to get to my blog (I have 3 ya know!) If I were smart I would just sit down and do it at night when I have time, OH WAIT! half the time I DON'T have time. After going to Blackshear, and then getting home and feeding and bathing and fighting about getting into bed, I'm ready to collapse into bed. *YAWN* Wish I could go back to bed now. That reminds me, here's another Kole story. Last nite we were trying to get home, and for some unknown reason he decided he was NOT leaving "Nana". We have a screaming match for about 30 mins with her telling me he doesn't want to go with his mama. Well towards then end of his tantrum he says " I don't want to go with mama, I already told you that Nana!" Where DOES this kid get this stuff? I mean, he's two, will be 3 in June, and he's smarther than any kid I've ever seen that age. He uses all his words in the right context all the time. It's absolutely CRAZY! And it gets so hard not to laugh about it.

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