Friday, May 2, 2008

Good Friday Morning!!

Yes, I have indeed been slacking much so that today we get to play catchup!! Aren't you ALL just so excited. Well this past weekend we decided to go fishing at the river.

Bad move on MY part I guess, because I decided to wear flip flops......very VERY bad move. It was OF COURSE wet ground, so I'm walking along, helping Kole, Mat's in front of me and all of a sudden I slip. I throw poor Kole at Mat so in case I slip in the water, I can swim, and it would have been harder with him. I beat myself up ( I have an AWFUL gash on my leg) and scare the crap outta poor kole....OH, and make him hurt his butt....I got the mean look from him with tears in his eyes and he says "You made me hurt my hiney" and I'm trying not to go into crying and laughing hysterics cause I hurt, and he's giving me the "your a bad mommy" look.

So I get up from my catastrophe, and we move along. We get to a part where we have to walk across (and you HAVE to watch out for snakes....OMG I Freaked when Mat told me this......I HATE snakes!!!) and we get to the other side of the shore. Well were TRYING to fish....and we catch nothing.....Kole throws it in the first time and catches a fish (Go Figure!!)

Well, Mat moved further up, and all of a sudden yells "Kalin, come here" So I trot over and he goes "Does that look like a snake to you?" I look across the bank, and sure enough, there under a little ledge is SOMETHING that resembles a snake. Well, Mat continues to fish there, and I sit there and kinda watch, and it never moves. So I go back to where I was fishing, Mat moves back down towards me, and not 5 minutes later, Mat looks again and says, "Kalin, is that snake still there?" I go, "NOPE, its TIME TO GO!!!" This snake, and I DO mean HUGE snake, is a water moccasin that moves around QUITE WELL in the water and they like to stalk anything that moves, including humans. Well, Mat goes back down there, and he sees the snake finally in a hole near the water, but it has its head poked out and its staring at us. Mat stays there and watches as I get Kole and myself, and the 5 fishing poles (Yes, we HAVE to have that many for 3 people to go fishing, I just haven't figured out WHY yet) and fish bucket across the river. Then its Mat's turn, so I watch the hole for him. Glad that snake never moved, I would have been scared Shitless!!! Seriously!!!!

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