Friday, May 2, 2008

"You Drive me Nuts"

"You Drive Me Nuts" This phrase alone brings up hysterical laughter everytime we hear it. This is my 2 year olds newest phrase.
I guess, from best I can tell, I've told Kole one to many times that he's driving me crazy. He's your typical terrible 2's going on into the horrible 3's little boy. He really does drive me crazy. From jumping up and down on anything he can find, to terrorizing our cats and dogs, to sticking his fingers in the guinea pig cage. You name it, Kole's probably done it. If he hasn't, please don't tell him about it, because he WILL do it then. He has learned to push every boundry possible just to see how far he can go. My oldest son, Noah, the perfect child, very well mannered, very sweet tempered, very quiet spoken. A wonderful, Wonderful little boy. Alone. Put the two of them together, OMG!!!! It's like I have single handedly created World War III. I knew that brother were going to fight, I mean I have a little sister, and we faught, still do sometimes, but NOWHERE to the extent that my boys do.
And usually, it's Kole that's the instigator. Kole, bless his heart, is the one who is usually causing what has happened. He either hits Noah, takes something away from Noah, has thrown something at Noah, or has spit on Noah. Drives me CRAZY!
Well last nite, I was getting him to bed, and he wanted something to drink, I told him he could only have water, and he brings out his favorite new phrase "You make me Nuts, mama!" Strange how children learn to use words and phrases so quickly in context isn't it?

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