Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I have found this wonderful website (Thanks to Bzzagent and the Frogpond) called TasteSpotting.com. They have beautiful pictures of food and you can click on it a it gives you the recipe. When you get a chance its definately something you should try. Heres what Frogpond has to say:

Design blog, meet food blog. Find some of the most beautifully photographed dishes on the Web — then find out how to make them.
TasteSpotting.com is deliciously aesthetic (or is it aesthetically delicious?). Either way, it's a place for people to share the articles and products that inspire them the most when it comes to good eating. Each stunning photograph on the site is a link to a recipe, an article on a dish, a post about an ingredient, more delectable images or whatever on- or offline muse they have for great taste(s). Raspberry and chocolate dream bars, lamb with sage and rosemary in a red wine reduction, Pike Place Market in Seattle — you'll find these and more than 10,000 other things that motivate food-lovers around the world.
And when you're done drooling over your monitor, why not submit your own? Just register for free, upload your image and submit your link.
Go ahead — find and share some inspiration!

Good Morning!!!

Ah......It's a beautiful Tuesday morning here in Waycross! *sighs* Things have been slaking for lately. It's been hard to get to my blog (I have 3 ya know!) If I were smart I would just sit down and do it at night when I have time, OH WAIT! half the time I DON'T have time. After going to Blackshear, and then getting home and feeding and bathing and fighting about getting into bed, I'm ready to collapse into bed. *YAWN* Wish I could go back to bed now. That reminds me, here's another Kole story. Last nite we were trying to get home, and for some unknown reason he decided he was NOT leaving "Nana". We have a screaming match for about 30 mins with her telling me he doesn't want to go with his mama. Well towards then end of his tantrum he says " I don't want to go with mama, I already told you that Nana!" Where DOES this kid get this stuff? I mean, he's two, will be 3 in June, and he's smarther than any kid I've ever seen that age. He uses all his words in the right context all the time. It's absolutely CRAZY! And it gets so hard not to laugh about it.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Well my 5 year old is OFFICIALLY graduating from pre-school *cheers and applause* We're so excited. They won't have their little graduation ceremony (which kinda sucks), but at least he got his little certificate. We're all really really excited about him starting kindergarten next year. He is too!! He's more excited about getting to ride the bus from his school to the Y.M.C.A though. Found out today that one of his pre-k teachers is hoping to move to the school that Noah's going to, which will be good for him in case he needs a friendly face of someone he knows. Now, we're just hoping that my little sis has passed her test to move her to high school (YIKES!!)

Friday, May 2, 2008

"You Drive me Nuts"

"You Drive Me Nuts" This phrase alone brings up hysterical laughter everytime we hear it. This is my 2 year olds newest phrase.
I guess, from best I can tell, I've told Kole one to many times that he's driving me crazy. He's your typical terrible 2's going on into the horrible 3's little boy. He really does drive me crazy. From jumping up and down on anything he can find, to terrorizing our cats and dogs, to sticking his fingers in the guinea pig cage. You name it, Kole's probably done it. If he hasn't, please don't tell him about it, because he WILL do it then. He has learned to push every boundry possible just to see how far he can go. My oldest son, Noah, the perfect child, very well mannered, very sweet tempered, very quiet spoken. A wonderful, Wonderful little boy. Alone. Put the two of them together, OMG!!!! It's like I have single handedly created World War III. I knew that brother were going to fight, I mean I have a little sister, and we faught, still do sometimes, but NOWHERE to the extent that my boys do.
And usually, it's Kole that's the instigator. Kole, bless his heart, is the one who is usually causing what has happened. He either hits Noah, takes something away from Noah, has thrown something at Noah, or has spit on Noah. Drives me CRAZY!
Well last nite, I was getting him to bed, and he wanted something to drink, I told him he could only have water, and he brings out his favorite new phrase "You make me Nuts, mama!" Strange how children learn to use words and phrases so quickly in context isn't it?

Good Friday Morning!!

Yes, I have indeed been slacking lately.....so much so that today we get to play catchup!! Aren't you ALL just so excited. Well this past weekend we decided to go fishing at the river.

Bad move on MY part I guess, because I decided to wear flip flops......very VERY bad move. It was OF COURSE wet ground, so I'm walking along, helping Kole, Mat's in front of me and all of a sudden I slip. I throw poor Kole at Mat so in case I slip in the water, I can swim, and it would have been harder with him. I beat myself up ( I have an AWFUL gash on my leg) and scare the crap outta poor kole....OH, and make him hurt his butt....I got the mean look from him with tears in his eyes and he says "You made me hurt my hiney" and I'm trying not to go into crying and laughing hysterics cause I hurt, and he's giving me the "your a bad mommy" look.

So I get up from my catastrophe, and we move along. We get to a part where we have to walk across (and you HAVE to watch out for snakes....OMG I Freaked when Mat told me this......I HATE snakes!!!) and we get to the other side of the shore. Well were TRYING to fish....and we catch nothing.....Kole throws it in the first time and catches a fish (Go Figure!!)

Well, Mat moved further up, and all of a sudden yells "Kalin, come here" So I trot over and he goes "Does that look like a snake to you?" I look across the bank, and sure enough, there under a little ledge is SOMETHING that resembles a snake. Well, Mat continues to fish there, and I sit there and kinda watch, and it never moves. So I go back to where I was fishing, Mat moves back down towards me, and not 5 minutes later, Mat looks again and says, "Kalin, is that snake still there?" I go, "NOPE, its TIME TO GO!!!" This snake, and I DO mean HUGE snake, is a water moccasin that moves around QUITE WELL in the water and they like to stalk anything that moves, including humans. Well, Mat goes back down there, and he sees the snake finally in a hole near the water, but it has its head poked out and its staring at us. Mat stays there and watches as I get Kole and myself, and the 5 fishing poles (Yes, we HAVE to have that many for 3 people to go fishing, I just haven't figured out WHY yet) and fish bucket across the river. Then its Mat's turn, so I watch the hole for him. Glad that snake never moved, I would have been scared Shitless!!! Seriously!!!!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Grand Theft Auto IV

GameStop/Grand Theft Auto IV

If there's one thing gamers hate, it's being the last to know the scoop on their favorite game. They've analyzed and reanalyzed Grand Theft Auto IV trailers and leaked footage, hoping to discover a cool new feature they can brag about in gaming circles for at least the next 15 minutes. That is, until someone trumps them with a cooler, newer find.

How would you like to be that "someone?" GTA IV maker RockStar Games and exclusive partner GameStop are set to level the playing field all over again, making this the perfect time to jump in and impress the hell out of everybody. With the highly anticipated release of GTA IV on April 28 still weeks away, they're throwing gamers a really meaty bone with GameStop's new feature-rich commercial, now on YouTube.com.

To sweeten the pot, GameStop also sponsored a sweepstakes with a $10,000 cash prize and a trip to "Liberty City" for the winner. And, naturally, everybody can preorder online and in-store, too. If there's another thing gamers hate, it's standing in lines with the masses.



Good Morning ladies and gents!!!! It another beautiful day here in Southeast Georgia!!! I just wanted to tell you guys about a little thing I've been doing and checking on called frog pond. It's really cool and gives you a lot of new websites to discover. Definitely something you should check out!!

Frogpond Badge

Friday, April 4, 2008

TRYING to start school

OK, so, I've Decided to go back to school. (Yep were talking BRAIN OVERLOAD HERE) I'm attempting to get into Devry (if my Advisor would call me back) and go into the computer forensics program. Mat (the fiance) is going for computer graphics designer, so were gonna be a computer family (And have LOTS of money(maybe)) Anyhow, I believe its gonna be better for me to start in May, cause its too soon right now, and I just don't think I'm Fully ready for it now. But I'm really excited about it and I know its something I NEED to do for myself.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

My New Correctional Officer

I'm SO Proud of my future Hubby (I just LOVE that sound!!) He has gotten a WONDERFUL job at the State prison here in our town. He's really, REALLY excited. The only sucky thing....he has to go to "boot camp" for 6 weeks. Oh well, at least he gets to come home on weekends, but our little boy (Kole, the baby) is going to be One UPSET little boy. He's all about his daddy!He's at that stage where, I'm just here when daddy gets on to him, or he needs me when he's hurt himself......I know he loves me, but it kinda makes me feel a little unwanted........Especially since we were so close when he was a little baby. I hope that changes as he gets older.....

Its nearing summer and time for the 2nd Yearly Diet Plan

Alright my friends....its that time again. Its becoming bathing suit season and time to jump back on that weight loss band wagon that we know we ALL fell off of after New Years. (Don't deny it happened, we all know it did!)Alright, so I was watching HSN (Why you may ask, Boredom my friends, PURE BOREDOM) and on comes Michael Thurmond and his 6 week body makeover. Well it SEEMS interesting enough.....I mean heck yeah, I can actually EAT more and lose weight, I'm all for that!! OK, well obviously theres more to it than that.....but hey, still I can EAT MORE!So needless to say, I have ordered it and I'm PRAYING it does what I want it too....and the more difficult task....STAYING ON IT.......I'll let you know how it goes
Edit: I've decided to start another blog dedicated directly to this...so please go look at it http://my6weekmakeover.blogspot.com/

Kids gone wild??

What the hell as happened in this world?? It's CRAZY when 3rd graders (yes, were talking about 8 and 9 year olds) create a very intricate plan to KILL their teacher, all because the ring leader was chastised for standing in a chair. They went so far as to even bring the steak knife, hand cuffs, duck tape, ribbon, and a paper weight. They also doled out jobs of papering the windows and cleaning up the blood. I mean damn, this sounds like premeditated murder to me, how about you? What is wrong when a school system blames the teacher for what goes on in the class room, and not the child? This is out of control and its time that the parents who truly CARE what goes on in the schools and what their children are learning TAKE OVER. This has spiraled too far out of control, and its time that we, the parents, took over to help our teachers because obviously the school board and BOE, even the administration, aren't doing anything to protect our children and our teachers.

OK, lets get this blog started!

I hail from a small, and I mean VERY SMALL, town called Waycross, GA. (AND NO, it does not stand for way across anything......Its cause we have 1000000 trains running through here - Thank You CSX!) I'm 23 years old and have lived in this little town since 1992. I have two B-E-A-Utiful children (I'm a little partial, I know!). I'm Engaged to a wonderful man - He's my soul mate, has been since I can remember.....just wish he had come along sooner (I'm sure we all wish our significant other had done that, huh?)I work full time, school full time, and mommy full time - WHOA that really IS alot!!Its hard being a single mom of two very Active little boys, but I manage with the help of my family and a few friends.The oldest one, Noah, is 5 and starts kindergarten next year....My baby, Kole, he's 2 1/2 and my Gosh is he a Pistol.....When my parents told me I'd have children 10 times worse then I was, well I didn't believe them when I had Noah, he was my "Ideal Child", then little Kole came along in 2005, AND OMG, now I believe it! But I love him to death and he keeps me on my toes!